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- Extrait de Catalogue of Principal Galaxies (PGC) (Paturel+ 1989)
- Organisation du catalogue :
- Les galaxies sont rΘparties dans 50 zones de 30x30 degrΘs selon le mΩme
- principe que les grandes rΘgions du Guide Star Catalog .
- ( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087)
- dΘclinaison nombre numΘro de la
- du centre de zones premiΦre zone
- ------------- ------------ --------------
- 15 12 1
- 45 9 13
- 75 4 22
- -15 12 26
- -45 9 38
- -75 4 47
- Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
- Dans chaque fichier les galaxies sont triΘes par dimension ( maj ) .
- Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
- PGCrec = record
- pgc,ar,de,hrv : Longint;
- nom : array [1..16] of char;
- typ : array [1..4] of char;
- pa : byte;
- maj,min,mb : smallint;
- end;
- - pgc : numΘro du catalogue PGC
- - ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- - de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000
- - hrv : vitesse radiale hΘliocentrique
- - nom : autres noms
- - typ : type morphologique
- - pa : angle de position du grand axe
- - maj : grand axe α l'isophote 25/'2 * 100
- - min : petit axe α l'isophote 25/'2 * 100
- - mb : magnitude B * 100
- Type Intervalle Format
- ------------ -------------------------- -------------------
- Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
- SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
- Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
- Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
- Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
- Description originale du catalogue :
- VII/119 Catalogue of Principal Galaxies (PGC) (Paturel+ 1989)
- ================================================================================
- Catalogue of Principal Galaxies (PGC)
- Paturel G., Fouque P., Bottinelli L., Gouguenheim L.
- <Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 80, 299 (1989)>
- =1989A&AS...80..299P
- ================================================================================
- ADC_Keywords: Galaxy catalogs
- Description:
- This "catalog of principal galaxies" constitutes the basis of the
- "Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies" (RC3). It lists
- equatorial coordinates for the equinoxes 1950 and 2000 and cross
- identifications for 73197 galaxies. Of the 73197 galaxies, 40932 have
- coordinates with standard deviations of less than ten arcsec. Listed
- are 131,601 names from the 38 most common sources. These data are
- given when available: morphological descriptions, apparent major and
- minor axes, apparent magnitudes, radial velocities, and position
- angles.
- Related data:
- VII/137B : Third Reference Catalogue of bright galaxies (RC3)
- File Summary:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadMe 80 . This file
- pgc 142 77141 The PGC catalogue
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: pgc
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 5 I5 --- PGC [1/73197]?+ PGC Number (1)
- 7- 8 I2 h RAh []? Right Ascension 2000 (hours) (1)
- 9- 10 I2 min RAm []? Right Ascension 2000 (minutes) (1)
- 11- 14 F4.1 s RAs []? Right Ascension 2000 (seconds) (1)
- 15 A1 --- DE- Declination 2000 (sign) (1)
- 16- 17 I2 deg DEd []? Declination 2000 (degrees) (1)
- 18- 19 I2 arcmin DEm []? Declination 2000 (minutes) (1)
- 20- 21 I2 arcsec DEs []? Declination 2000 (seconds) (1)
- 23- 24 I2 h RAh1950 []? Right Ascension 1950 (hours) (1)
- 25- 26 I2 min RAm1950 []? Right Ascension 1950 (minutes) (1)
- 27- 30 F4.1 s RAs1950 []? Right Ascension 1950 (seconds) (1)
- 31 A1 --- DE-1950 Declination 1950 (sign) (1)
- 32- 33 I2 deg DEd1950 []? Declination 1950 (degrees) (1)
- 34- 35 I2 arcmin DEm1950 []? Declination 1950 (minutes) (1)
- 36- 37 I2 arcsec DEs1950 []? Declination 1950 (seconds) (1)
- 38 A1 --- u_DEs [*] An asterisk indicates coordinates
- with standard deviations less than
- 10arcsec (1)
- 40- 43 A4 --- MType Morphological type class; see section 3.1 of
- the publication for details (1)
- 44- 49 F6.1 arcmin MajAxis []? Major axis diameter at 25mag/arcsec2 (1)
- 50 A1 --- u_MajAxis [:?*] Uncertainty (:?) or accuracy (*) flag
- on MajAxis (1)
- 51 A1 --- times [x] separation character (1)
- 52- 56 F5.1 arcmin MinAxis []? Minor axis diameter at 25mag/arcsec2 (1)
- 57 A1 --- u_MinAxis [:?*] Uncertainty (:?) or accuracy (*) flag
- on MinAxis (1)
- 60- 63 F4.1 mag Btot []? Apparent total magnitude; see section 3.3
- of the publication for details (1)
- 64 A1 --- u_Btot [*] An asterisk indicates magnitudes with
- accuracy less than 0.3mag (1)
- 67- 71 I5 km/s HRV []? Heliocentric Radial Velocity (1)
- 72 A1 --- u_HRV [*] An asterisk indicates velocities with
- standard deviations less than 30km/s (1)
- 74- 76 I3 deg PA [0/180[? Position Angle from North eastward
- in 1950 frame (1)
- 78- 93 A16 --- Name1 Name of galaxy in other sources (2)
- 94-109 A16 --- Name2 Name of galaxy in other sources (2)
- 110-125 A16 --- Name3 Name of galaxy in other sources (2)
- 126-141 A16 --- Name4 Name of galaxy in other sources (2)
- 142 A1 --- Cont [+] if a continuation record exists (1)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note (1): field empty for continuation lines, i.e. preceding line has a
- '+' in byte 142
- Note (2): acronyms and references for designations are given in Table 2
- of the publication
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Historical Notes:
- * A copy of the catalogue on magnetic tape was provided to CDS by
- G. Paturel
- * 03-Oct-1995: description standardized at CDS
- ================================================================================
- (End) Francois Ochsenbein [CDS] 03-Oct-1995